DevSecOps for Java & Kotlin Developers

Workshop Description

Do you have a private project, an open-source tool or want to do a POC? Do you already have the idea in mind and you wish to get started? On the other hand, are you looking for a suitable environment so that you get the best possible support for your development?
JFrog offers you just the right tools for this. You can get access to the JFrog Platform and use it freely. Artifactory, Xray and more and this means that a complete DevSecOps environment is at your disposal.

In this workshop, I will show you the individual components step by step and help you set them up for your project. This workshop is divided into several parts, and each deals with a specific section of the development.
In the basic module, we will set up a project based on maven consisting of one module so that you can get started with Java and Kotlin.

Timetable and Agenda
The tutorial is planned to be done in approx 2h in total.

The Birds Eye View:

  • Intro into the JFrog Platform
  • Demo - HowTo create a generic repository
  • Maven and the HelloWorld
  • Vulnerabilities and how to visualize them

Prerequisite Requirements

1. JFrog Free Cloud Account
Sign Up: “Click Here
This is free, no credit card is required. It includes access to Artifactory and Xray, with a limited amount of storage and transfer.
2. The IDE
You need an IDE that supports Java and maven. I personally use IntelliJ and the screencasts are based on this IDE. The free version is perfect for this workshop. But you can use whatever IDE fits your needs.
3. IDE Support for Xray
To have IDE Support based on the Xray Plugin from JFrog, you need one of listed IDEs. The actual list is under the following URL
4. Docker
You need Docker on your machine for some parts of this tutorial. It is possible to skip this element during the workshop.
5. Java and Maven
This tutorial is based on Java version 8 or higher and maven. All JDK´s should fit, there are no special requirements that I am aware of. Maven is used in a version higher 3.3. Please make sure you have access to it. You can use the bundled maven version. The archive is inside the folder _data/maven and contains the maven version 3.6.3 as tar.gz file.

Presenter Information

Sven Ruppert

Developer Advocate

Sven is working as Developer Advocate for Jfrog and coding Java since 1996 in industrial projects. He was working over 15 years as a consultant worldwide in industries like Automotive, Space, Insurance, Banking, UN and WorldBank. He is regularly speaking at Conferences and Meetups worldwide and contributes to IT periodicals, as well as tech portals.Additional to his main topic DevSecOps he is working on Mutation Testing of Web apps and Distributed UnitTesting besides his evergreen topics Core Java and Kotlin
Date:   November 24th
Time:   10AM GMT+1
Duration   2 hours

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